Archiv des Autors: sarah


We are happy and thrilled to announce the following concerts for:
11 June TEL AVIV Florentin kitchen
12 June JERUSALEM Nachla’ot-kitchen (HaCarmel 56)
13 June JERUSALEM Old city| Christ Church
(Together with other Israeli and Eritrean Artists – To benefit victims of human trafficking and survivors of torture)
14 June BETHLEHEM Bet Lahem Live Festival
15 June JERUSALEM Mount of Olivet Inga’s living room


To go unsung?

Dear people!
So we are safe and sound, back to everyday life after some exciting weeks.
Moritz, Fil and I experienced a very strong tour while playing in prisons, it felt like beeing
hit by lightning or beeing electrified by a higher power! It just felt right, we will do it again!

I then left for Romania with my younger sister, my daddy and a friend to visit the poor places with its hundreds and hundreds of children, hungry and neglected. Never in my life I saw so much poverty. Never so much helplessness. But God gave us hands and he gave us feet and so much to eat. If we just share what we have, if we use our vitality to help those who need (clothes, food, money), if we stand together for one another and if we believe that we were meant to be brothers, you and i, sister and brother! Then we might start to care for each other ( money was made to help one another). Living in Germany has made me blind many times for the world outside, I finally had to step out to see again. What I saw makes me cry: I have at least 10 trousers, 20 Tshirts and 15 pair of shoes, 3 winterjackets and much more. I saw children without underwear. If I have a little toothache i go to the toothdoctor to ease my pain. I saw a dozen children, mothers and fathers who have no money to visit a doctor though they have serious diseases: Hydrocephalus,Scabies,Asthma, Chronic Wounds (it says time heals all wounds it also says to Think is to act!) Dear People! Let us sing a song for those who have no voice, Dignity belongs to us all! Sarah


Instrumente und Musikanlage sind verstaut, gleich startet unsere Konzertreise gen Westen! TONIGHT Bochum! Dann beginnt morgen früh,
nach einem Konzert an einer Schule in Velbert, die Gefängnistour in der
JVA Willich, dort freue ich mich ganz besonders auf mir ein bekanntes Gesicht. Nach meinem letzten Konzert dort, schreiben wir uns Briefe. Die Geschichte von Michaela ist keine für zwischen Tür und Angel, also ein anderes Mal mehr darüber. Wir sind u.a auch wieder in Geldern, einem Gefängnis, in dem ich nun das dritte Mal musizieren darf, umso mehr freue ich mich dort auf die mir bekannten Menschen.
Es gäbe sooo viel zu schreiben..aber wir müssen JETZT los! Moritz und Filip (meine lieben Freunde) sind Teil meiner Band (Cello, Geige u.m) auf dieser Tour ( ihre allererste Knasttour!), Hannes begleitet uns als rasender Reporter und Georg ist unser Organisator und mein stiller Held.

Direkt im Anschluss an diese Gefängnistour reise ich weiter nach Rumänien, zusammen mit Open Hands Charity (zum ersten Mal und sogar mein Daddy ist dabei)!
Wir versuchen alles so gut wie möglich für Euch und uns zu dokumentieren.
DANKE, für alle, die mit uns sind!
Sarah und ihre Freunde

p.s sorry not in english this time..we are leaving NOW


We were deeply moved the other day by playing the song “ Speak Out“ inside The Sonnenstein Euthanasia Clinic( In 1940 and 1941, the facility was used by the Nazis to exterminate around 15,000 people in a process that was labelled as euthanasia. The majority of victims were suffering from psychological disorders and mental retardation, but their number also included inmates from the concentration camps.) 2z

Israel! here we go

Excited! Just booked flights for Israel! My friend Moritz and I will go to play there in June: We will play in Jerusalem, the Bet Lahem Live-Festival in Bethlehem and we’re heading to Tel Aviv! Details follow.


This week we are playing a concert in a REHAB CLINIC. I played there last year, so happy to be invited again, this time with two of my musicians! We’ll also do a PRISON TOUR next month…more infos follow. Happy day! Sarah282009_10150239276606546_491814_n