Heute feiern wir!
Ja, denn wir haben ein zweites Haus für eine grosse Flüchtlingsfamilie fertig renoviert und schön gemacht.
Hier kurz die Idee für alle gleich in Englisch:
The idea of a Refugeeum (Zufluchtsort) was in our hearts for a long time. It was born last year and it grows with each day.
A project which started with the clear desire to help those in need, predominantly focused on victims of war but it is an ever evolving project
with open arms and an open heart. In the short time that Refugeeum has been in action
we have already been able to house and help guide the integration process of a family from Afghanistan.
A family with 7 children who have experienced things so tragic, one doesn’t wish to even hear or imagine them.
We hope to expand our abilities to help as much and as many as possible therefore, we are
looking to arrange at least two more houses to provide shelter and refuge to those who need it within the near future.
On the backdrop of poisoned and splintered politics, Refugeeum has
shown the power individual people have when they gather as a community to work together,
share ideas and help one another. And what a joy it is as well. Friendships are built,
opportunities to experience and learn new things suddenly present themselves and for us here
at Refugeeum, after all the wonderful times we’ve had, it’s still just the beginning.
We look forward to all the next steps on our path and if you feel you can help or assist us in any way, or just wish to ask us some questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Love! Stevi+Sarah and the Refugeeum Team
For more: www.refugeeum.org